Domestic Abuse

If you or someone you know is suffering psychological, physical, sexual or emotional abuse there are lots of organisations that can give you help and support, including Refuge and Women's Aid. Family Law Group can help you with the legal side of things.

Forced Marriage
A forced marriage is a marriage without the consent of one or both parties and where duress is a factor.

The law can provide the following types of order to protect you from domestic violence.
A Non-molestation Order prevents someone from being violent or threatening violence against you or your child. It also includes intimidation, harassment, or pestering.
An Occupation Order relates to who can live in the family home and can also restrict access to the surrounding area as well.
You will usually need to show that you or your children were at risk of harm from an ex-partner.
You can ask for evidence from:
- The courts
- The police
- Social services
- A health professional
- A refuge manager
- A domestic violence support service
- Your bank in the form of bank statements
- Your employer, education or training provider
- The provider of any benefits that you receive
- Abusive Violence between couples living together
- Abuse between partners who do not live together
- Harassment by former partners
- Abusive relationships between parents and children
- Abuse against elderly family members
- Abuse between tenants or flat mates
- Female genital mutilation (FGM) or forced marriage