Relationship Finance

Divorce Assets & Pensions
Deciding to end a marriage is never an easy decision. One of the more difficult aspects of any breakdown is agreeing how to deal with financial matters.

Child Maintenance
The Child Maintenance Service (CMS) is the Government body responsible for determining maintenance payments for children.

Divorce Financial Remedies
Resolving financial issues can be one of the main concerns for separating couples. There will be many questions arising which relate to what will happen to the matrimonial home, how other assets should be divided, what happens to pension funds and whether maintenance is due to be paid.

This usually happens on a voluntary basis, but where one party will not cooperate it can be directed through the Court. Within divorce proceedings, you can make a financial application to court. The court will then direct the information as a requirement of the proceedings by way of a Financial Information disclosure form, called Form E.
What you are entitled to depends upon your circumstances and whether you are married or living together. It is best to obtain legal advice on this from a family law solicitor.
You do not have to attend mediation if you have agreed all family and divorce matters. If you wish to apply to Court relating to children or finances on a divorce matter, you will need to normally have attended a MIAM before making the application.