Relationship Breakdown

Civil Partnerships
If you want to end your civil partnership, you will need to apply to the Court for a Dissolution Order. This is achieved in the same way as getting a divorce.

Domestic Abuse
If you or someone you know is suffering psychological, physical, sexual or emotional abuse there are lots of organisations that can give you help and support, including Refuge and Women's Aid. Family Law Group can help you with the legal side of things.

If you’re facing divorce or separation, it is often difficult to know where to turn for advice. You may be feeling confused, distressed and anxious about what the future holds.

Forced Marriage
A forced marriage is a marriage without the consent of one or both parties and where duress is a factor.

Separation after living together
We can help you if you and your partner are separating and are not married. You may have children together or jointly purchased or contributed to a property and you may be unable to agree with your partner as to what time your children should spend with each of you or what should happen to the property in which you live.

Mediation & MIAMS
Mediation allows you to take control and make your own informed decisions together regarding children, finances and other relationship breakdown issues, reaching mutual agreement usually by a series of round the table meetings with a trained mediator.

If you have not put in place a ‘living together agreement’, any of the following could apply.
- If you do not own the property in which you live or you do not own a share of the house in which you live you have no automatic right to stay there.
- Other than child maintenance, you have no right to receive maintenance for yourself from your ex-partner.
- If you live in a rented property together and the tenancy is in your ex partner’s sole name you have no right to stay if you are asked to leave.
- If the possessions within the property are owned by or were purchased by your ex-partner, you have no automatic right to a share of those possessions.
If you have agreed your divorce and financial arrangements, then you do not need to attend court. Your divorce will be processed through the court as a paperwork exercise instead. If you have not or are unable to agree your financial arrangements, you will need to attend court.
A divorce can take between 6-8 months if not disputed, from issuing the petition to the Decree Absolute. If the divorce or finances are disputed, then this timescale can be longer depending on when such issues are resolved.
You will need to demonstrate that your marriage has irretrievably broken down, by being able to prove one of the following five facts:
- Your spouse has committed adultery
- Your spouse has demonstrated unreasonable behaviour
- Your partner has left / deserted you for a continuous period of 2 years
- You have been separated for at least 2 years and you both agree to the divorce
- You have been separated for at least 5 years - it doesn’t matter if your partner doesn’t agree to the divorce
- If you have been married for less than 2 years, you can only use unreasonable behaviour, adultery or desertion as your reason for getting divorced.