Emergency Protection Orders
Social Services can apply for an Emergency Protection Order if there is reason to believe that a child is in immediate danger.
Social Services can apply for an Emergency Protection Order if there is reason to believe that a child is in immediate danger. The effect of such an Order is to give Social Services the following parental rights: -
- To take the child into care.
- To prevent the child from returning to his or her parents’ care.
- The right to see the child if a parent has refused to let Social Services see the child.
- To prevent a person whom Social Services believe may be a threat to the child from seeing the child or living in the same house as the child.
Because of the nature of these proceedings, you will be given very little notice by the Local Authority of its intention to seek such an Order. It is therefore important that you contact us as soon as you become aware that this is the Local Authority’s intention. We will be able to provide you with the required level of expertise to ensure that your interests are properly and fully presented to the Court.